Buttock Augmentation- Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Buttock Augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to enlarge and lift the butt.

Buttock augmentation is performed by few plastic surgeons throughout the United States, but especially in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Miami, Huston, Atlanta, and Boston. Whi

le placement of butt implants used to be the main technique for buttock enlargement; today, many expert plastic surgeons that specialize in the Brazilian Buttock Augmentation prefer to use patient’s own body fat via fat grafting or injection technique. Buttock augmentation with the fat injection technique is safer and gives far more natural and better looking buttocks than the traditional Gluteal implants.

When looking at before-and-after pictures or photos of buttock augmentation you can see several changes. Not only the buttock looks bigger and fuller, but more importantly, it is shaped to enhance a woman’s beautiful curves. This is accomplished by liposuctioning or liposculputring the flanks, lower back, thighs, hips, and the abdomen in order to create an hour-glass figure. Finally, the buttock is lifted by micro-fat grafting the buttock gluteus muscles with patient’s own fat. The volume of the injected fat “plumps up” or lifts the buttocks.

To get the best buttock augmentation you need fat, and a lot of it! Therefore, I recommend patients who seeks buttock enlargement not to diet or lose weight prior to surgery, in order to have available excess body fat to be harvested for fat injection into the buttocks.

As you view photos of buttock augmentation on-line, and review plastic surgeon’s work throughout California, New York, Florida, Texas, and elsewhere, you realize that results vary widely depending on the different techniques of liposuction and fat grafting. These techniques are more a reflection of the cosmetic surgeon’s skills rather than the equipment used- UAL or “Smart Lipo”.

Dr. Younai is a Board Certified Plastic, Cosmetic, & Reconstructive Surgeon of Beverly Hills and Los Angeles who is an expert in all areas of body contouring including Buttock Augmentation with fat injection or implants, as well as buttock, thigh, and body lift.

During your consultation, Dr. Younai will review your treatment options for Buttock Contouring,

Augmentation, and Enlargement. He will discuss surgical options, if you are a good candidate, techniques available, potential risks and complications of surgery, pre- and post-operative instructions, and recovery course, as well as what to expect after surgery. At that time, Dr. Younai will also show you

before-and-after pictures of other patients who might be similar to you and have had ButtockAugmentation and/or Brazilian Butt Lift.

Dr. Younai serves patients from both southern and northern California, including those from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Hollywood, Burbank, Sherman Oaks, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Pasadena, Glendale, Valencia, Palmdale, Fresno, Bakersfield, and Oxnard.

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